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"East is East and West is West"?
III Political Dialogue
Front cover
Title page
Table Of Contents
"... And Never The Twain Shall Meet?" - Introduction To A Collection Of Texts On Dialogue Between The Arab And The Western World Leslie Tramontini Arnold Bergstraesser Institut, Freiburg
I Cultural Dialogue
Some Observations On Dialogue A Transcript Of Oral Remarks Ghassan Salame Minister for Culture, Lebanon
The West And Us Now Abbas Beydoun Al-Safir, Beirut
Literary Models For The Dialogue Of Civilizations And Cultures Abdo Abboud Damascus University
II Religious Dialogue
Translating God In The 21st Century: Are We All Fundamentalists? John J. Donohue, s. j. Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut
Fundamentalism Versus Orthodoxy Ridwan Al-Sayyid Lebanese University, Beirut
Neither East Nor West Inter-Religious Dialogue And Local Politics In The Age Of Globalization Thomas Scheffler University of Copenhagen
Unwavering Designation, Contradictory Processes The Changing Role Of "Islam" In The Interior Politics Of The Turkish Republic Günter Seufert University of Cyprus, Nicosia
Islamism In Domestic Politics In Turkey: The Kemalist Secularism Predicament Comments On Günter Seufert's Essay On: 'The Changing Role Of Islam In The Interior Politics Of The Turkish Republic' Muhammad Noureddine Center for Strategic Studies, Beirut
Islam And Muslims In Denmark And Europe From Silent Migrants To Active Citizens Jørgen Baek Simonsen Danish Institute, Damascus
Encountering Muslims In Germany Jamal Malik Universität Erfurt
Muslims Between Qurʾān And Constitution Religious Freedom Within The German Legal Order Mathias Rohe Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
III Political Dialogue
The Involvement Of European Foreign Policy In The Middle East Volker Perthes Stiftung Politik und Wissenschaft, Berlin
US - EU, And The Middle East Fadia Kiwan Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut
The Need For A Paradigm Shift In American Thinking Middle Eastern Responses To 'What We Are Fighting For' Chibli Mallat
About The Authors
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"East is East and West is West"? : talks on dialogue in Beirut / ed. by Leslie A. Tramontini
Place and Date of Creation
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