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Im Dokument suchen
Results of contemporary research on the Qurʾān
Qurʾānic Studies: A Historian's Perspective Lawrence I. Conrad
Table Of Contents
Preface Manfred S. Kropp
Qurʾānic Studies: A Historian's Perspective Lawrence I. Conrad
Beauté Et Efficacité. L'Écriture Arabe Au Service De La Révélation François Déroche
Une Reconstruction Critique Du Coran Ou Comment En Finir Avec Les Merveilles De La Lampe D'Aladin Claude Gilliot
Does The Refinement Of The Writing System Allow Us To Draw Conclusions About The Decline Of The Oral Transmission? Jack Goody
Reflections On The Relationship Of Early Arabic Poetry And The Qurʾān: Meaning And Origin Of The Qurʾānic: Term Ṭayran Abābīla According To Early Arabic Poetry And Other Sources Franz-Christoph Muth
Parerga To The Volumes Of Sources De La Transmission Manuscrite Du Texte Coranique Thus Far Published And In Course Of Publication Sergio Noja Noseda
Le Coran Et La Lexicographie Historique De L'arabe Françoise Quinsat
Pour Une Approche Méthodologique Du Coran Mondher Sfar
About The Authors
Orient-Institut Beirut Beiruter Texte Und Studien
Wird geladen ...
Results of contemporary research on the Qurʾān : the question of a historio-critical text of the Qurʾān / ed. by Manfred S. Kropp
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