509 Pages

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Religion between violence and reconciliation
Table Of Contents
Preface Angelika Neuwirth
Introduction Religion Between Violence And Reconciliation Thomas Scheffler
Part I Text And Interpretation
Three Religious Feasts Between Narratives Of Violence And Liturgies Of Reconciliation Angelika Neuwirth
The Radicalism Of The Powerless: Imagination Of Violence In Three Religious Traditions Thomas Scheffler
Part III Religion And Civil Strife
Religions And Violent Actions Hans G. Kippenberg
Part IV Religion, Law, And Coexistence: The Local Dimension
Sortir Des Guerres De Religion: Principes Juridiques Et Modèles Politiques Oliver Christin
The Religion Of The 'Other' As Bond: The Interreligious In Lebanon Aïda Kanafani-Zahar
Part V Interreligious Dialogue: Pros And Cons
Towards An Abrahamic Ecumene Of Jews, Christians, And Muslims: Interfaith Dialogue In The Age Of Globalization Karl-Josef Kuschel