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Search for: The First World War
The First World War as remembered in the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean
The First World War as a Factor of Political and Social Transformation Olaf Farschid (Berlin)
Panel I: The Political and Social Impact of the First World War
A: Collective Memories of Societies Participating in the First World War, and Changing Forms of Self-Understanding under the Impact of the War
Politicizing the Past: World War I in Modern Greek Ideology Ioannis K. Hassiotis (University of Thessaloniki)
B: National and Social Group Discourses of the First World War
Babies or the Ballot? Women's Constructions of the Great War in Egypt Marilyn Booth (University of Illinois)
Clericist Catholic Authors and the Crystallization of Historical Memory of WW1 in Lebanonist-Particularist Discourse, 1918-1922 Dennis Walker (Monash University, Melbourne)
The Plight and Relief of God's Nation: The First World War and the German Templar Community in Palestine Helmut Mejcher (University of Hamburg)
C: The Social Effects of the First World War. Suffering during and after the War
Ottoman Psychiatry in the Great War Yücel Yanıkdağ (Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond)
Panel II: Symbolic Processing of the First World War
A: Images, Histories, and Narratives of the War as Reflected in War Monuments, Historiography, Autobiographies and Literature
Taming the Past, Shaping the Future: The Appropriation of the Great War Experience in the Popular Fiction of the Early Turkish Republic Erol Köroğlu (Sabanci University, Istanbul)
Monumentalism versus Realism: Aspects of the First World War in Turkish Literature Martin Strohmeier (University of Cyprus, Nicosia)
B: War Memories of Ottoman Army Officers from Different Ethnic Backgrounds. The Influence of Origin, Military Education and Common War Experience
Divergent Loyalties and Their Memory: How Three Albanians Shaped Their Histories of the Great War Isa Blumi (Trinity College, Hartford CT)