307 Seiten

Suche nach: The Illuminated Table, the Prosperous House
The illuminated table, the prosperous house
Introduction Suraiya Faroqhi
The Chickens Of Paradise Official Meals In The Mid-Seventeenth Century Ottoman Palace Hedda Reindl-Kiel
Spices In The Ottoman Palace Courtly Cookery In The Eighteenth Century Christoph K. Neumann
Cups, Plates, And Kitchenware In Late Seventeenth- And Early Eighteenth-Century Damascus Colette Establet & Jean-Paul Pascual
Life In The Medrese Mübahat Kütükoğlu
Life In An Istanbul Tekke In The Eighteenth And Nineteenth Centuries According To A "Menakibnâme" Of The Cerrahi Dervishes Nathalie Clayer
Pastırmacı Yokuşu No: 7, Balat-lstanbul The Story Of A Mansion During The Nineteenth And Twentieth Centuries Emre Yalçın
Representing France In The Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Empire A Wealthy French Dwelling In The Peloponnesus, 1770 Suraiya Faroqhi
Dwellings In Sixteenth-Century Istanbul Stéphane Yérasimos
Norms Of Domestic Comfort And Luxury In Ottoman Metropolises Sixteenth To Eighteenth Centuries Uǧur Tanyeli