Crisis and memory in Islamic societies : proceedings of the third summer academy of the Working Group Modernity and Islam held at the Orient Institute of the German Oriental Society in Beirut [...] / ed. by Angelika Neuwirth ... Würzburg [u.a.] : Ergon-Verl. [u.a.], 2001
Orient-Institut Der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft Beiruter Texte Und Studien
Crisis And Memory Dimensions Of Their Relationship An introduction Angelika Neuwirth Andreas Pflitsch
- I - Theoretical Approaches to the Discourse of Crisis and Memory
Three Memory Anchors Affect, symbol, trauma Aleida Assmann
New Approaches In The History Of Memory? A French model Jocelyne Dakhlia
Five Steps Of Canonization Tradition, scripture and the origin of the Hebrew Bible Jan Assmann
Texts, Traces, Trash The changing media of cultural memory Aleida Assmann
- II - Crisis Translated into Collective Memory
Qurʾān, Crisis And Memory The Qurʾānic path towards canonization as reflected in the anthropogonic accounts Angelika Neuwirth
The Battle Of The Camel Trauma, reconciliation and memory Tarif Khalidi
Mongols and Mamluks Forgotten villains and heroes of Arab history Ulrich Haarmann †
Miḥmah, Muʿtazilah, Memory Modern lessons from the Islamic 'inquisition' Thomas Hildebrandt
What Makes Traditionalist Muslim Legal Thought Modern? Collective memory, Islamic legal tradition, and the concept of ijtihād Bernhard J. Trautner
- III - Lieux de Mémoire
Lebanon's Heritage Will the past be part of the future? Hélène Sader
Beirut In memoriam A kaleidoscopic space out of focus Jens-Peter Hanssen Daniel Genberg
"Only Good Works Remain" Waqf and the memory of families, Damascus in the 17th and 18th centuries Astrid Meier
- IV - Crisis of Identity / Memories Invented
Remembering The Defeat An essay on the cultural history of Turkey Nuray Mert
Islamist Discourse And Societal Memory In Turkey Günter Seufert
Crisis And Memory The case of the Lebanese Druzes Bernadette Schenk
Repasts And Hopeful Futures Iranian women's religious gatherings in London Kathryn Spellman
Crisis And Memory In Central Asian Islam The Uzbek example of the 'otin' and 'xalfa' in a changing environment Annette Krämer
Feminists In Pakistan Rhetoric and models Christèle Dedebant
Constructing Kafirs The formation of political frontiers between the government and the Islamic opposition during the 1998-99 political crisis of Malaysia Farish A. Noor
Massacres And Religious Remembrance The Muslims of Southwest China Jacqueline M. Armijo-Hussein
- V - The Arts in a Context of Crisis: Writing, Painting and Performing Memory
Lightning And Memory In Poetic Fragments From The Muslim West Ḥafṣah bint al-Ḥājj (d. 1191) and Sārah al-Ḥalabiyyah (d. c. 1300) Beatrice Gruendler
Homeland Palestine Lost in the catastrophe of 1948 and recreated in memories and art Juliane Hammer
Notes Of Salvation And Joy The repertory Fayrūz and the Raḥbānī-Brothers Ines Weinrich
Crisis And Memory In The Theater Of The Raḥbānī-Brothers And Fayrūz Fawwaz Traboulsi
Besieged Beirut Arab creativity between poetry and ashes AsʿAd E. Khairallah
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