Ghazal as world literature : 1. Transformations of a literary genre / edited by Thomas Bauer, Angelika Neuwirth, Michael Hess, Judith Pfeiffer, Börte Sagaster. Würzburg / ed. by Thomas Bauer and Angelika Neuwirth. Würzburg : Ergon-Verl. [u.a.], 2005
PDF Bauer, Thomas ; Neuwirth, Angelika: Transformations of a literary genre
Front cover
Title page
Table Of Contents
Introduction Ghazal as World Literature: Transformations of a Literary Genre Thomas Bauer and Angelika Neuwirth (Münster and Berlin)
Ghazal in Classical Arabic Tradition
35 Ibn Ḥajar And The Arabic Ghazal Of The Mamluk Age Thomas Bauer (Münster)
Motif Vs. Genre Reflections on the Dīwān al-Maʿānī of Abū Hilāl al-ʿAskarī Beatrice Gruendler (Yale)
Abū Nuwās And Ghazal As A Genre Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila (Helsinki)
Mystical Improvisations Ibn al-Fāriḍ Plays al-Mutanabbī Th. Emil Homerin (Rochester)
Al-Walīd Ibn Yazīd, The Last Ghazal Poet Of The Umayyad Period Renate Jacobi (Berlin)
The Influence Of Ghazal On Mystic Poetry Simon Kuntze (Berlin)
Abū Nuwās's Ghazal Muʾannathāt No. 25 Gregor Schoeler (Basel)
Permutations And Deconstructions Of Ghazal In Modern Arabic Literature
Beirut The City-Woman And Her Obsessed Lovers Birgit Embaló (Berlin)
ʿIshq In The Times Of Infitāḥ Yaḥyā al-Ṭāhir ʿAbdallāh's "Ughniyyat al-ʿAshiq Īliyyā" Stephan Guth (Bern)
243 Poems Of A Love Impossible To Live Maḥmūd Darwīsh and Rītā Verena Klemm (Würzburg)
259 Victims Victorious Violent Death in Classical and Modern Arabic Ghazal Angelika Neuwirth (Berlin)
Ghazal Between Diverse Traditions
The Mighty Beloved Images and Structures of Power in the Ghazal from Arabic to Urdu Johann Christoph Bürgel (Bern)
Nasīb And Ghazal In 11th And 12th Century Arabic And Hebrew Andalusian Poetry Arie Schippers (Amsterdam)
Persian Ghazal
The Persian Ghazal Between Love Song And Panegyric Julie Scott Meisami (Oxford)
Elements Of Ghazal Poetry In Niẓāmī's Makhzan Ul-Asrār Renate Würsch (Basel)
Ottoman Ghazal And Its Reflection In Modern Turkish Literature
The Ottoman Ghazal In The Age Of Beloveds Poems about Poetry Walter Andrews and Mehmet Kalpaklı (Washington and Bilkent)
The Perde Gazeli In The Turkish Karagöz Shadow Play Features and content Petra de Bruijn (Leiden)
The Problematic Tradition Reflections on Ottoman Homoeroticism in Modern Turkish Literature and Literary Criticism Priska Furrer (Bern)
Eroticism In Ghazal Poetry Bâkî and Fuzûlî – the Two Most Famous Ottoman Poets of the 16th Century Tunca Kortantamer (Izmir)
Ghazal In The West
Orient-Institut Beirut Beiruter Texte Und Studien
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