The Greek orthodox waqf in Lebanon during the Ottoman period / Souad Abou el-Rousse Slim. Würzburg : Ergon-Verl. [u.a.], 2007
Table Of Content
List Of Maps
List Of Graphs
List Of Documents
Chapter I Indroduction And Improtance Of The Subject
I. 1: Waqfs in the Framework of Historical Research
19 I. 2: Methodology
22 I. 3: The Study of Waqf in the Case of Christian-Muslim Relations
23 I. 4: Archives and Sources for the Study of Christian Waqf Institutions
24 I. 4.1: Importance and Limitations of these Documents
26 I. 4.2: Documents Related to the Waqf of Beirut City
30 I. 4.3: St. John of Dūmā. Balance-Sheets
33 I. 4.4: Land Record of the Monastery of Balamand
36 I. 5: Problematical Issues
Chapter II Legal And Historical Background
Chapter III Establishment And Expansion Of Waqf Estate
III. 1: Foundations of Waqf Estates in Rural Monasteries
79 III. 1.1: Balamand Monastery
83 III. 1.2: St. John Monastery of Dūmā
88 III. 1.3: St. Ilyās Monastery of Shwayyah
90 III. 1.4: St. Georges Monastery of Dayr al-Ḥarf
91 III. 1.5: Monasteries of Other Christian Communities
95 III. 2: Expansion of Monastic Waqfs and their Land Policy
97 III. 2.1: The Land Expansion Policy of Mār Ilyās Monastery
99 III. 2.2: Chronology and Time Sequence of Land Policy
110 III. 2.3: Land Categories and Production
119 III. 2.4: Fluctuation of Land Prices
120 III. 2.5: Sellers & Buyers
127 III. 2.6: Regions and Boundaries
131 III. 2.7: Limits and Boundaries
Chapter IV Expansion Of Urban Orthodox Waqfs In Beirut During The Nineteenth Century
139 IV: 1: Inventories of Waqf
140 IV. 1.1: St. Georges's Poor Waqf
143 IV. 1.2: The Rūm Poor Waqf
145 IV. 1.3: St. Dimitri's Poor Waqf
146 IV. 1.4: St. Georges's Hospital Poor Waqf
146 IV. 1.5: St. Ilyās Btīnah Poor Waqf
147 IV. 1.6: Zahrat al-Iḥsān School Waqf
147 IV. 1.7: Sayyidat al-Niyāḥ Waqf in Rās Bayrūt
147 IV. 1.8: Ittiḥād al-Birr Association Waqf
148 IV. 2: Localization of the Waqf and Expansion of the City
152 IV. 3: Growth and Development of Waqf Landholdings
161 IV. 4: The Role of the Waqf in the Life of the City
Chapter V Administration And Management Of The Waqfs
172 V. 1: The Transfer of Religious Authority to the Laity
172 V. 1.1: The Responsibilities of the Superior of the Monastery
177 V. 1.2: The Secular Authority in the Management of the Waqf Estates
181 V. 2: Management of the Accounts of St. John the Baptist Dūmā
205 V. 3: Exploitation of Urban Waqfs
Actual Situation of Waqf
231 The Orthodox Church of Antioch in Lebanon; an Assessment of its Belongings and Future Projects