From Baghdad to Beirut ... : Arab and Islamic studies in honor of John J. Donohue s.j. / edited by Leslie Tramontini, Chibli Mallat. Würzburg : Ergon-Verl. [u.a.], 2007
Table Of Contents
From Boston To Beirut Via Baghdad John Donohue's Scholarship and Humanism Leslie Tramontini (Freiburg)
Shaping The Future John Donohue's living legacy Chibli Mallat (Beirut/Princeton)
Poetry, Philosophy and Language
من وسلوى من العراق
سقم الحب في نشيد الأناشيد
المغازي و السير في الأندلس: دراسة في تطور مفهوم الجهاد
On The Philosophy Of Islamic Law Chibli Mallat (Beirut/Princeton)
Heroes, Martyrs And Fearless Loners. Reflections on Heroic Death in Arabic Poetry Angelika Neuwirth (Berlin)
Desinence As A Means Of Distinguishing The Three Classes Of Words In Sībawayh Solomon I. Sara s.j (Georgetown)
Passion De L'écriture Sabah Zouein (Beyrouth)
Society And Politics
Penser Le Moderne Par Le Post Moderne: autour des recits Nahḍāwī sur la guerre civile au liban Chirine Abou Chaqra (Beyrouth)
The Holy Day As A Political Gathering In Lebanese Society: ʿĀshūrāʾ 2004 Robert Benedicty s.j. (Beirut)
The Shia In Germany Annabelle Böttcher (Berlin)
Pluralism In Muslim-Christian Relations John L. Esposito (Georgetown)
"Not Conquerors But Liberators" Imperialistic Powers in Iraq, from World War I to the Present Wolfgang Köhler (Cairo/London)
مسألة اليمقراطية في الفكر الإسلامي العاصر
Abdul Ghaffar Khan And The Servants Of God: Islamic Non-Violence as an Instrument of Social Change Thomas Michel s.j. (Rome)
Across The Desert: The Transfer of Khārijī Tendencies from North Africa to West Africa Patrick J. Ryan s.j. (New York)
Interreligious Dialogue And The Ambivalence Of Peace Buildung In The Middle East Thomas Scheffler (Copenhagen)
Éclatement D'une Société Et Dispersion D'un Peuple: les récits de la "Hijra" de 1948 Jihane Sfeir (Beyrouth)
Religious Freedom In Limbo: The Cases of Dar al-Arqam and "Sky Kingdom" in Malaysia Leslie Tramontini (Freiburg)
Transnational Islamic Trends John O. Voll (Georgetown)
List Of Contributors
Orient-Institut Beirut Beiruter Texte Und Studien