The Sultan Ḥasan Complex in Cairo 1357 - 1364 : a case study in the formation of Mamluk style / by Abdallah Kahil. Würzburg : Ergon-Verl. [u.a.], 2008
Front cover
Title page
Table Of Contents
List Of Plates
XXIX List Of Appendices
XXX [Transliteration System and a Note on Converting Hijrī Dates]
XXXII Abbreviations of Frequently Cited References
4 1. The Sultan
10 2. The architecture of the Complex
13 3. A brief historiography of the Sultan Ḥasan Complex
24 4. The history of the period
Chapter 1 The Chronology of the Sultan Ḥasan Complex, and the Question of the Annexes
1.1 A brief chronology
35 1.2 The Maktab al-sabīl and the so-calles Mustashfā
36 1.3 The Annexes and the Sāqiya area
38 1.4 The work of Amir Yashbak min Mahdī
Chapter 2 The Plan of the Sultan Ḥasan Complex, Its Components, and Functions
2.1 The question of the plan
45 2.2 Multiple-function structures in Cairo
47 2.3 The function of a four-iwan plan building
48 2.4 The importance of the plan of Sultan Ḥasan's Central Unit
50 2.5 The question of the four madrasas
51 2.6 The significance of the placement of the Tomb Chamber
58 2.7 The plan of the Vestibule
59 2.8 The compositional scheme of the plan of the Sultan Ḥasan Complex
Chapter 3 The Sultan Ḥasan Portal and Its Decoration
3.1 Introduction
62 3.2 The Portal's placement
63 3.3 The question of the Portal's double minarets
68 3.4 The Portal façade and its decoration
85 3.5 The porch, description
93 3.6 The question of the Portal's inscription
96 3.7 A note on the Portal stone carving
97 3.8 Notes on the composition of the Portal
Chapter 4 The Vestibule and Its Decoration
4.1 Description
101 4.2 The Southern Iwan
107 4.3 The Vestibule's inscription
108 4.4 The muqarnas pendentives and vault
Chapter 5 The Complex's Central Unit
5.1 Introduction
112 5.2 The northern and southern façades
117 5.3 The courtyard
118 5.4 The iwans
121 5.5 The four madrasas
125 5.6 The residential aspect of the madrasas
Chapter 6 The Decoration of the Courtyard and the Eastern Iwan
6.1 The Fountain (baḥra/fisqiyya)
132 6.2 The doorframes of the madrasas and the entrance doors
136 6.3 The decoration of the Eastern Iwan
140 6.4 The Eastern Iwan's qibla wall
Chapter 7 The Tomb Chamber
Chapter 8 The Question Of The Architect
8.1 Introduction
172 8.2 Muḥammad Ibn Bīlīk al-Muḥsinī
181 8.3 Al-Ḥujayj ibn ʿAbdallah al-Ṣāliḥī
Orient-Institut Beirut Beiruter Texte Und Studien
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