Multicultural urban fabric and types in the South and Eastern Mediterranean / ed. by Maurice Cerasi ... Würzburg : Ergon-Verl. [u.a.], 2007
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PDF Introduction
PDF La fabrique urbaine et architecturale de Galata, quartier occidental d'Istanbul Nur Akın
PDF Foreign influences on residential architecture of Turkey in the late Empire and early Republican periods İnci Aslanoğlu
PDF Timbuktu the city of multiculturalism: A dream for explorers without fixed homes and fixed homes for explorers Mauro Bertagnin and Daniela Deperini
PDF The Kampos of Chios: A comparative study of multicultural blend in architectural type and urban fabric Emiliano Bugatti and Sabrina D'Agostino
PDF The multicultural town form in the North-Eastern Mediterranean: conflict and harmony Maurice Cerasi
PDF Mode de vie des residents occidentaux a Alep et modification de leurs espaces domestiques dans les khans Jean-Claude David
PDF Sheltering diversity: Levantine architecture in late Ottoman Istanbul Paolo Girardelli
PDF Traditional settlements in East Vermion - Greece: Environment and urban form Nikos Kalogirou
PDF Designing a multi-cultural landscape: The case of the reconstruction of Mostar in Bosnia-Herzegovina Attilio Petruccioli
PDF Historic Tunis and modern Sicily - two examples of urban multicultural exchange Adriana Sarro
PDF Changing cultural references: Architecture of Damascus in the Ottoman period (1516-1918) Stefan Weber
PDF Moroccan Urbanism: A case study in colonial and post-colonial métissage Diana Wylie
PDF Typologie et mutation des quartiers de commerce traditionnel dans les villes de la Méditerranée Orientale Alexandra Yerolympos
PDF Index
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