Shiʿi trends and dynamics in modern times (XVIIIth - XXth centuries) / ed. by Denis Hermann; Sabrina Mervin. Würzburg : Ergon-Verl. [u.a.], 2010
PDF Front cover
PDF Title page
PDF Contents
PDF List of Contributors
PDF Introduction
PDF Part One Diversity and change in Philosophy and Mystic
Shaykh Aḥmad al-Aḥsā'ī and the World of Images Todd Lawson
The quṭb as Special Representative of the Hidden Imam: The Conflation of Shi'i and Sufi Vilāyat in the Niʿmatullāhī Order Oliver Scharbrodt
Hikma Mutaʿāliya in Qajar Iran: Ḥāji Hādī Sabzavārī and the School of Mullā Ṣadrā Sajjad H. Rizvi
Continuity and Originality in Shiʿi Thought: The Relationship between the Akhbāriyya and the Maktab-i Tafkīk Robert Gleave
PDF Part Two Shiʿi Jurisprudence
La quête du savior à Najaf. Les études religieuses chez les chiites imâmites de la fin du 19e siècle à 1960 Sabrina Mervin
Fiqh et soufisme à la période qajare : quelques notes sur l'oevre juridique des maîtres niʿmatullāhī gunābādī Shahram Pazouki
PDF Part Three Doctrinal Debates and Political Theories
Sunni Ulama's Discourse on Shiʿism in Northern India during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: An Overview Sajida Sultana Alvi
Système parlementaire et consultation selon Thiqat al-Islām-i Tabrīzī : légitimation religieuse et justification historique Denis Hermann
Remarqes sur la pensée politique de l'ayatollah Lārī durant le mouvement constitutionnel Mohammad Baqer Vosuqi
PDF Orient-Institut Beirut Beiruter Texte Und Studien
PDF Back cover