Ghazal as world literature : 2. From a literary genre to a great tradition / Thomas Bauer and Angelika Neuwirth. Würzburg / edited by Angelika Neuwirth, Michael Hess, Judith Pfeiffer and Börte Sagaster. Würzburg : Ergon-Verlag in Kommission, 2016
PDF Neuwirth, Angelika ; Heß, Michael Reinhard ; Pfeiffer, Judith ; Sagaster, Börte ; Orient-Institut: From a literary genre to a great tradition
Table of Contents
Kurt Scharf: Geleitwort
Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu: Foreword
Angelika Neuwirth: Einleitung
I The Arab precursors / Modern Arabic Readings
Thomas Bauer: The Arabic Ghazal: Formal and thematic aspects of a problematic genre
Tilman Seidensticker: Die Herkunft des Rubāʿī
Vahid Behmardi: The Wajdiyyāt of ʿAyn al-Quḍāt al-Hamadānī: Youthful Passions of a Sufi in the Making
Angelika Neuwirth: Das „Lied des Sängers ohne Hoffnung“: zur Ghazal-Rezeption in der palästinensischen Widerstandsdichtung
II Transformations: The late Arabic and the Persian ghazal
Johann Christoph Bürgel: “Dies alles sind Symbole...” Zu einem Ghasel Dschalāluddīn Rūmīs und zwei thematisch verwandten Gedichten Ibn al-ʿArabīs
Dominic Parviz Brookshaw: Sung with melodious tunes: Performance context as described in the ghazals of Jahān-Malik Khātūn
Anna Krasnowolska: The Epic roots of lyrical imagery in classical Persian poetry
Franklin Lewis: The Transformation of the Persian Ghazal: From Amatory Mood to Fixed Form
Sunil Sharma: Generic Innovation In Sayfī Buḫārāʾī’s Shahrāshūb ghazals
III The Great Tradition: The Ottoman and the Turkic gazel
Walter Andrews and Mehmet Kalpaklı: Gazels and the World: Some Notes on the ‘Occasional-ness’ of the Ottoman Gazel
Selim S. Kuru: Naming the Beloved in Ottoman Turkish Gazel: The Case of İshak Çelebi (D. 1537/8)
Michael Glünz: Betrachtungen zum „indischen Stil“ in der osmanischen Dichtung
Tunca Kortantamer: The Function of Metaphors in the Relationship between Meaning and Structure in the gazel Poem
Ali Fuat Bilkan: Über die „Sichtweisen“ in Nabis Ghaselen und des Dichters innovative Rolle in der Ghaselendichtung
Michael Reinhard Hess: Interdisciplinary Readings of Näsīmī’s Turkic Ghazals
IV Migrations: The German Ghasel
Klaus-Detlev Wannig: Deutsche Gaseldichtung, gattungsgeschichtlich
Judith Pfeiffer: Goethe and Saʿdī: Christian Wurm’s interpretation of “Selige Sehnsucht” revisited
Hartmut Bobzin: Rückert as translator and imitator of Persian ghazal poetry
Gregor Schoeler: August Graf von Platens Ghaselen
Petra Kappert: Die Ghaselen in August Graf von Platens orientalischer Dichtung
Index of Proper Names
Index of Technical Terms
Subject Index