Theoretical approaches to the transmission and edition of oriental manuscripts : proceedings of a symposium held in Istanbul, March 28-30, 2001 / ed. by Judith Pfeiffer, Manfred Kropp. Würzburg : Ergon-Verl. [u.a.], 2007
Front cover
Title page
Abbreviations of Journals and Reference Works
Introduction Manfred Kropp and Judith Pfeiffer
How 'Sacred' is the Text of an Arabic Medieval Manuscript? The Complex Choices of the Editor-Scholar Wadād al-Qāḍī
Text and Illustration
Writing and Illustrating History: Rashīd al-Dīn's Jāmiʿ al-tavārīkh Sheila S. Blair
The battle of the images Mecca vs. Medina in the iconography of the manuscripts of al-Jazūlī's Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt Jan Just Witkam
Transmission and Translation
Modes et Méthodes de traduction du Grec en Arabe Jean Irigoin
The Mediaval Manuscript Tradtion of Balʿamī's Version of al-Ṭabarī's History Andrew Peacock
"A turgid history of the Mongol empire in Persia" Epistemological reflections concerning a critical edition of Vaṣṣāf's Tajziyat al-amṣār va tazjiyat al-aʿṣār Judith Pfeiffer
Oral and Written Traditions
Turning a Tradition into a Text: Critical Problems in Editing the Mahābhārata Aditya Adarkar
Aḥmad Yasavī and the Dog-Men: Narratives of Hero and Saint at the Frontier of Orality and Textuality Devin DeWeese
The Library of Ṣadr al-Dīn Qunavī and its Books Mikâil Bayram
Rāgıb Meḥmed Paşa and His Library Nevzat Kaya
Copying Processes
Le rôle des conservateurs des khazāʾin al-kutub dans la reproduction des manuscripts arabes Ayman Fuʾād Sayyid
The copyists' working pace: Some remarks towards a reflexion on the economy of the book in the Islamic world François Déroche
Indigenous Modes of Editing
Taxonomy of scribal errors and corrections in Arabic manuscripts Adam Gacek
Al-Jawāʾib Press and the edition and transmission of Arabic manuscript texts in the 19th century Geoffrey J. Roper
The Theory of Editing
Lachmann und der Archetyp Walter Berschin
Variants and Invariants: The Logics of Manuscript Tradition Alexander Kleinlogel
Editing Practice and Solutions
Editing Promlems of Persian Classical Texts and the Respect to Manuscript Authenticity Iraj Afshar
Editorial choices in preparing the critical edition of the Bābur-nāma Eiji Mano
Orient-Institut Beirut Beiruter Texte Und Studien
Back cover