Strange bedfellows: mutʿat al-nisāʾ and mutʿat al-ḥajj : a study based on Sunnī and Shīʿī sources of tafsīr, ḥadīth and fiqh / Arthur Gribetz. Berlin : Schwarz, 1994
PDF Front cover
PDF Title page
PDF Dedication
PDF Contents
PDF Tables
PDF Acknowledgements
PDF Abbreviations
1. Sunnī Ḥadīth and Tafsīr
XII 2. Sunnī Fiqh
XIII 3. Shīʿī Ḥadīth and Tafsīr
XIII 4. Shīʿī Fiqh
PDF Introduction
1. A Short Desciption of the Research Topic
3 2. Description of the Research Previously Conducted on this Subject
4 3. Objectives of this Study
PDF 6 Chapter 1 Mutʿat Al-Nisāʾ In Sunnī Ḥadīth
PDF Chapter 2 Mutʿat Al-Hajj In Sunnī Ḥadīth
1. The Three Ways in which the Ḥajj Can Be Performed
23 2. The Qurʾānic Sanction of Mutʿat al-ḥajj
24 3. Mutʿat al-ḥajj in Sunnī Ḥadīth
27 4. The Opposition to Mutʿat al-ḥajj In Sunnī Ḥadīth
35 5. The Confusion betwen the Two Mutʿas
40 6. The Connection betwen the Two Mutʿas
43 7. Conclusions
47 Table 1: Various Definitions of Mutʿat al-ḥajj which Appear in Sunnī Ḥadīth and Tafsīr
PDF Chapter 3 Mutʿat Al-Nisāʾ and Mutʿat Al-Ḥajj In Shīʿī Ḥadīth
1. Shīʿī Qurʾānic Exegesis and Ḥadīth
50 2. Mutʿat al-nisāʾ
50 2.1 The Legal Status of Mutʿat al-nisāʾ
56 2.2 ʿUmar and the Sunnī Prohibition of Mutʿat al-nisāʾ
59 2.3 Mutʿat al-nisāʾ und Taqiyya
61 3. Mutʿat al-ḥajj
61 3.1 The General Status of Mutʿat al-ḥajj
63 3.2 The Farewell Pilgrimage
67 3.3 ʿUmar and the Sunnī Prohibition of Mutʿat al-ḥajj
68 3.4 What Exactly is Mutʿat al-ḥajj?
71 3.5 Mutʿat al-ḥajj and Taqiyya
75 4. The Conection and Confusion between the two Mutʿas
77 Table 2: Various Definitions of Mutʿat al-ḥajj which Appear in Shīʿī Ḥadīth
PDF Chapter 4 The Rules And Realities of Mutʿat of Mutʿat Al-Nisāʾ As Expressed In Shīʿī Ḥadīth
1. Introduction
2. Various Attitudes Concerning Mutʿat al-nisāʾ Expressed in Shīʿī Ḥadīth
83 3. Which Men Can Perform Mutʿa?
84 4. With which Women?
84 4.1 Should One or Should One Not Contract Muʻta with a Believer, a Chaste Woman, on an Immoral Woman?
86 4.2 Is it Permissible to Contract Muʻta with a Virgin?
87 4.3 Can Muʻta be Cotracted with a Non-Muslim?
88 4.4 When an dHow Can Muʻta Be Contracted with a Female Slave?
89 5. What Types of Women are in Fact Contracted in Mutʿa?
91 6. Is Mutʿa Form of Marriage?
93 7. What are the Further Rules of Mutʿa?
93 7.1 Conditions in the Mutʿa Contract
95 7.2 How Many Times Can One Contract Mutʿa?
95 7.3 Witnesses and Walī
97 7.4 The Amount Necessary for the Ajr
99 7.5 Issues Related to the Ajal
100 7.6 Inheritance
100 7.7 ʻAzl
102 7.8 ʻIdda
104 7.9 Repeating the Conditions After the Marriage is Contracted
105 8. Conclusions
PDF Chapter 5 Mutʿat Al-Nisāʾ And Mutʿat Al-Ḥajj In Sunnī Fiqh
1. Mutʿat al-nisāʾ in Sunnī Fiqh
113 2. Mutʿat al-ḥajj (Tamattuʿ), Ifrād and Qirān in Sunnī Fiqh
113 2.1 Mālikīs
115 2.2 Shāftiʾīs
118 2.3 Ḥanafīs
121 2.4 Ḥanbalīs
124 2.5 The Different Expressed by the Four Schools
126 Tables 3-5: A Comparison between the Definitions of Ifrād, Qirān and Tamattuʾ According to the Four Schools
PDF Chapter 6 Mutʿat Al-Nisāʾ In Shīʿī Fiqh And Tafsīr
1. Introduction
2. Shīʿī Tafsīr
131 3. The Rules of Mutʿa According to Shīʿī Fiqh
132 3.1 The Four Elements of Mutʿa
132 3.2 The First Element: The External Form (Ṣīgha)
133 3.3 The Second Element: The Woman Permitted to be Contracted in Mutʿa (Muḥall)
133 3.3.1 Mutʿa with a Muslim Woman
134 3.3.2 Mutʿa with a Zāniya
134 3.3.3 Mutʿa with a Virgin
135 3.3.4 Mutʿa with a Non-Muslim
136 3.3.5 Which Muslim Male Can Contract Mutʿa?
136 3.3.6 Mutʿa with a Slave
136 3.3.7 What Types of Women are in Fact Contracted in Mutʿa?
137 3.4 The Third and Fourth Elements: The Mahr and the Ajal
140 3.5 The ʿIdda
141 3.6 Inheritance
141 3.7 ʿAzl
142 3.8 There is No Divorce, Īlāʾ or Liʿān, but there is Ẓihār
142 3.9 Conditions Must be Stipulated the Proposal of the Contract
143 3.10 It is Permissible to Contract Mutʿa (i) with an Unrestricted Number of Women, and (ü) Repeadedly with the Same Woman
143 3.11 Witnesses and Publicity
143 4. Is Mutʿa a Form of Slavery or Ijāra?
145 5. Conclusions
PDF Chapter 7 Mutʿat Al-Ḥajj In Shīʿī Fiqh And Tafsīr
1. Introduction
149 2. Shīʿī Descriptions of Tamattuʿ, Qirān and Ifrād, with a Comparison to Sunnī Explanations
157 3. Concllusions
PDF Chapter 8:The Polemical Debate Surrounding Mutʿat Al-Nisāʾ
1. Introduction
2. Polemics in Sunnī Ḥadīth
159 3. Polemics in Sunnī Fiqh
161 4. Polemics in Sunnī Tafsīr
164 5. Polemics in Other Sunnī Sources
167 6. Polemics in Shīʿī Fiqh
172 7. Polemics in Shīʿī Tafsīr
175 8. The Possibile Intrusion of Taqiyya into Shīʿī Ḥadīth
177 9. Polemics in Other Shīʿī Sources
179 10. Conclusions
PDF Conclusions
1. Mutʿat al-nisāʾ
182 2. Mutʿat al-ḥajj
182 3. A Possible Connectin between the Two Mutʿas
183 4. Why the Two Mutʿas are Exalted by the Shīʿīs
185 5. Taqiyya
185 6. Ijāra
186 7. Concluding Remark
PDF Glossary Of Arabic Terms
PDF Bibliography
PDF Index
PDF Back cover