Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan and the Muslim cause in British India / Belkacem Belmekki. Berlin : Schwarz, 2010
PDF Front cover
PDF Title page
PDF Contents
PDF 9 Chapter One Prologue: Muslim Predicament under British Rule
11 I. Tha Fall of Muslim Hegemony and the Coming of the British
13 II. The Impact of British Rule on Muslims
22 III. The Impact on the Indian Great Revolt on Muslim Community
PDF 30 Chapter Two The Emergence of Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan: A Nineteenth Century Indian Muslim Reformer
35 I. Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan's View of the Causes of the Great Revolt
61 II. Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan's Defence of Islam and the Muslim Community in the Indian Sub-continent
PDF 67 Chapter Three Sir Sayid Ahman Khan's Framework for Muslim Modernization
67 I. Loyality to the British
81 II. Devotion to Education
99 III. Socio-religious Reform
109 IV. Reaction to Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan's Reform Movement
PDF 117 Chapter Four The Deterioration of Hindu-Muslim Interrelations and Muslim Breakaway
119 I. The Urdu-Hindi Language Controversy
126 II. The Foundation of the Indian National Congress
136 III. Muslim Reaction to the Founding of the Indian National Congress
142 IV. Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan's Doctrine of "Aloffness from Politics"
PDF 163 Epilogue. Post-Sir Sayyid AhmanKhan's Era: A New Context.
PDF 166 Appendix
Islamkundliche Untersuchungen
PDF Back cover