Facts on Turkey : [1923-1953]. New York : Turkish Information Off., 1953
2 Table Of Contents
3 The First Thirty Years
4-5 [History]
6 The Constitution
6 Government
7 [The Turkish Government]
8 [The Presidents]
10-11 [Geography]
12 [Population]
13 [Rights And Liberties]
14 [Education]
16-17 [Economic Resources]
18 [Agriculture]
20 Mining
21 Industry
22 Transportation And Communication
23 Turkey's Foreign Trade Balance
24 [Exports And Imports]
26 Main Commodities Of Trade
27 [Health And Welfare]
28 Turkey Offers To The World Some Products That Are Unique In Quality.
29 [Bank Deposits]
29 National Income
30 Turkey's Government Expenditures
32 List of Other Publications