Turkey old and new : historical, geographical and statistical / by Sutherland Menzies. London : Allen, 1883
List Of Illustrations.
Book I.
Chapter I. The Origin Of Islamism - The Koran - Arab Conquest - The Empire Of The Khalifes To The Advent Of The Seljukides.
1. Antagonism of the East and West.
6 2. Mahomet, the Koran, its Dogmas and Precepts.
9 3. Errors of the Koran.
11 4. Death of Mahomet. - Arab Conquests.
14 5. The First Khalifes, the Ommiades, and Abassides.
18 Chapter II. From The Advent Of The Seijukides To That Of The Ottomans.
18 1. Origin of the Turks. - Decadence of the Khalifate.
26 2. Invasion of the Mongols.
28 3. Sequel of the Mongol Conquests - Destruction of the Khalifate of Bagdad - Summary of the Six Preceding Centuries.
30 Chapter III. The Ottoman Turks To The Reign Of Amurtah I. (1231-1360).
30 1. Origin of the Ottomans. - Orthoguel.
35 2. Reign of Othoman.
38 3. Reign of Orchan.
43 4. Early contests of the Turks and Greeks in Europe.
46 5. - History of Servia, Bosnia, Albania, [et]c.
48 Chapter IV. Reigns Of Amurath I. And Bajazet I. (1360-1402).
48 1. Amurath I. - Organisation of the Janissaries.
53 2. Acquisitions in Asia Minor. - Feudal Organisation of the Sipahis.
54 3. New Conquests in Europe and Asia. - Battle of Iconium.
55 4. Battle of Kasova. - Death of Amurath.
57 5. Bajazet I. (Bajezid Ilderim). - Abasement of the Greek Emperors. - Aquisitions in Asia Minor. - Conquest of Wallachia and Bulgaria.
59 6. Submission of Asia Minor. - Battle of Nicopolis. - Conquest of Greece.
62 7. Conquests of Tamerlane.
64 8. War between Timour and Bajazet. - Battle of Angora. - Death of Bajazet.
66 Chapter V. Reigns Of Mahomet I. - Of Amurath II. - And Of Mahomet II. - To The Capture Of Constantinople (1403-1453).
66 1. Interregnum. - War between the Sons of Bajazet (1403-1413).
68 2. Reign of Mahomet I. (1413-1421).
71 3. Amurath II. (1421-1450). - Civil War. - Siege of Constantinople. - Submission of the Turkish States of Asia Minor.
74 4. Wars in Albania, Wallachia, and Servia. - Hunyade Corvinus. - Defeat of the Ottomans.
76 5. Battle of Varna. - Scanderbeg. - Battle of Kassova.
78 6. Reign of Mahomet II. - Siege and Capture of Constantinople.
85 Book II.
85 [I.] From The Capture Of Constantinople To The Peace Of Carlowitz (1453-1699).
85 Chapter I. Reign Of Mahomet II. From The Capture Of Constantinople (1453-1481).
85 1. Condition of the Greeks after the Conquest.
87 2. The Conquest of Servia.
89 3. Subjection of the Morea. - War against Scanderbeg. - Conquests in Asia.
91 4. Conquest of Wallachia. - Cruelties of Wlad the Devil.
93 5. Conquest of Bosnia. - War with the Venetians and in Albania.
95 6. Conquest of Karamania.
96 7. War in Moldavia. - Conquest of the Crimea.
98 8. Capture of Croïa. - Siege of Scutari. - Peace with the Venetians.
99 9. Expeditions in Hungary and Italy. - Siege of Rhodes.
100 10. Character of Mahomet II. - His Institutions.
108 Chapter II. Reign Of Bajazet II. And Of Selim I. (1481-1520).
108 1. Revolt and Adventures of Djem.
111 2. Expeditions in Hungary, Moldavia, and Asia Minor.
112 3. First Relations with Russia. - War with the Venetians.
113 4. Revolt of the sons of Bajazet. - His Death.
114 5. Selim I (1512-1520). - War with Persia.
117 6. Conquest of Egypt. - Death and Character of Selim.
121 Chapter III. Reign Of Solyman I., 1520 To The Year 1535.
121 1. First Acts of Solyman. - Capture of Belgrade and of Rhodes.
124 2. The Grand Vizier Ibrahim. - Troubles in Egypt, in the Crimea, in Wallachia.
125 3. New Policy of France with Relation to the Ottoman Empire. - Francis I. asks aid from Solyman. - The Sultan's Letter.
129 4. The Battle of Mohacz.
130 5. Revolts in Asia.
131 6. New Relations of Francis I. and Solyman.
132 7. Second Expedition into Hungary. - Siege of Vienna.
135 8. Third Expedition into Hungary. - Embassy of Francis I. - Siege of Güns. - Peace with Austria.
138 9. War with Persia. - Capture of Bagdad. - Chaireddin - Barbarossa, Capture of Tunis by Charles V.
140 10. First Capitulation of the Porte with France.
144 Chapter IV. Reign Of Solyman From The Capitulations With France To His Death (1536-1566).
144 1. Sequel of the Franco-Turkish Alliance. - War with Venice.
145 2. Affairs of Hungary. - Capture of Buda.
146 3. New Alliance between Turkey and France.
150 4. War in Asia.
151 5. Affairs of Hungary. - Siege of Erlau. - Sequel of the Franco-Turkish Alliance.
153 6. War with Persia. - The Sultana Roxalana. - Death of Mustapha.
154 7. Affairs of Hungary. - Revolt and Death of Bajazet.
155 8. Peace with Austria. - Naval Affairs. - Siege of Malta.
157 9. Renewal of the War in Hungary. - Siege of Szigeth. - Death of Solyman.
164 II. From The Death Of Solyman To The Peace Of Carlowitz. (1566-1699.)
164 Chapter V. Reigns Of Selim II. And Amurath III. (1566-1595.)
164 1. Selim II. surnamed the Drunkard (1566-1574). - Revolt of the Janissaries. - Peace with Austria.
165 2. Relations with France.
167 3. Expedition to Arabia.
168 4. Conquest of Cyprus.
169 5. The Battle of Lepanto.
171 6. Embassy from France. - Peace with Venice.
172 7. Capture of Tunis. - Affairs of Poland and Moldavia. - Death of Selim.
174 8. Amurath III. (1574-1595). - First acts of his Reign.
175 9. War with Hungary. - Relations with France.
178 10. War with Persia.
180 11. Relations with France, England, Venice [et]c. - Peace with Persia.
182 12. Revolts of the Janissaries and troubles in the Provinces. - War renewed in Hungary. - Death of Amurath III.
184 Chapter VI. Reigns Of Mahomet III. And Achmet I. (1596-1617.)
184 1. First acts and character of Mahomet III. - Revolt in Asia. - Independence of Wallachia.
186 2. War in Hungary. - Treatment of the Christians by the Viziers. - Michael the Brave.
188 3. Relations of the Porte with France.
190 4. Decadence of the Empire.
192 5. War and Treaty with Persia. - Treaty of Sitvatorok.
194 6. Mission of Savary de Brèves. - Influence of France in the East.
200 Chapter VII. Reigns Of Mustapha I., Osman II., Amurath IV., And Ibrahim I. (1617-1649).
200 1. Reigns of Mustapha I. and Osman II. (1617-1622).
203 2. Restoration of Mustapha I. - Amutath IV. (1623).
205 3. Character of Amurath IV. - State of the Army.
206 4. Relations with France.
208 5. Depredations of the Barbary Corsairs.
210 6. Ibrahim I. (1639). - War against Venice.
212 Chapter VIII. Reign Of Mahomet IV. Until 1669.
212 1. Insolence of the Janissaries; revolts in Asia. - War in Transylvania, Servia, and Moldavia.
215 2. Diplomatic Rupture with France. - Death of Kupruli I.
217 3. War in Hungary. - Intervention of France. - Battle of St. Gothard. - Treaty of Vasvar.
219 4. Hostilities against the Barbary Pirates.
223 5. France succours Candia. - Capture of that place.
226 6. Fresh disagreement with France.
227 7. The Embassy of Nointel. - New Capitulations.
232 Chapter IX. From The Capture Of Candia To The Peace Of Carlowitz (1669-1699).
232 1. State of the Ottoman Empire after the Capture of Candia. - Submission of the Cossacks. - War in Poland. - Treaty of 1676.
235 2. Death of Ahmed Kupruli (1676); Kara Mustapha succeeds him. - War with Russia, Peace of Radzin (1681).
237 3. War in Hungary. - Policy of Louis XIV. - Siege and Relief of Vienna.
244 4. Power of France in the Mediterranean.
246 5. War against the Holy Alliance. - Deposition of Mahomet IV. (1687).
249 6. Solyman II. - Continuation of the War. - Vizierate of Kupruli Mustapha.
254 7. Reign of Achmet II. and Mustapha II. - Peace of Carlowitz.
258 Book III. From The Peace Of Carlowitz To The Peace Of Jassy (1699-1792).
258 Chapter I. From The Peace Of Carlowitz To The Peace Of Passarowitz (169-1718).
258 1. Administration of Kupruli Hussein. - Deposition of Mustapha II.
259 2. Achmet III. - Diminution of French influence. - Commencement of Russian pretensions. - Charles XII at Bender.
261 3. War against Russia. - Peace of Falksen.
265 4. War against Venice and against Austria. - Treaty of Passarowitz. - Fresh Treaty with Russia.
267 Chapter II. From The Peace Of Passarowitz To The Peace Of Belgrade (1718-1739).
267 1. Disastrous Policy of Turkey. - War against Persia.
269 2. Mahmoud I. - Peace with Persia. - War of France in favour of Poland.
272 3. War with Russia and Austria. - Part taken by France. - Treaty of Belgrade.
275 Chapter III. From The Peace Of Belgrade To The Peace Of Kainardji.
275 1. Treaty with Sweden. - Capitulations of 1740.
277 2. War of the Austrian Succession. - Neutrality of Turkey.
279 3. Efforts of France to enlighten Turkey. - Encroachments of Russia.
281 4. New administration of Wallachia and Moldavia. - The Fanariotes.
282 5. Osman III. - Change in the policy of France. - Affair of the Holy Places.
287 6. Mustapha III. - Intervention of Russia in Poland; her intrigues in the Greek Provinces of Turkey.
288 7. Russian Aggression. - Designs of Catherine II.
291 8. State of the Asiatic Provinces. - Egypt under Ali Bey. - Syria under Daher.
293 9. Efforts of France to decide the Porte to make war against Russia. - Letters of Louis XV.
296 10. War against Russia. - Rising of the Morea. - Naval Victory of the Russians. - Operations in Wallachia.
300 11. Efforts of France in favour of Turkey.
303 12. Threats of England as regarded France. - Sequel of the War. - Death of Mustapha III.
306 13. Accession of Abdul Ahmed. - Treaty of Kainardji.
308 Chapter IV. From The Peace Of Kainardji To The Peace Of Jassy (1774-1792).
308 1. Consequences of the Peace of Kainardji. - Convention of 1779.
310 2. Conquest of the Crimea by the Russians.
313 3. Change in the Policy of France. - The Empress Catherine's project of a new Eastern Empire.
315 4. War with Russia renewed. - Death of Abdul Ahmed. - Selim III. (1792). - Continuation of the War. - Peace of Jassy (1792).
320 Book IV. From The Peace Of Jassy To The Treaty Of Paris (1792-1856).
320 Chapter I. From The Peace Of Jassy To The Accession Of Mahmoud II. (1792-1808).
320 1. Rebound of the French Revolution at Constantinople.
323 2. Disorders in Servia. - Pasvan-Oglou.
325 3. Ali Pacha.
327 4. Mission of Sebastiani to the Levant.
328 5. Rupture of the Peace of Amiens. - Conduct of the Porte.
329 6. Troubles in Roumelia. - Insurrection of Servia.
331 7. Rupture of the Porte with Russia and England. - The Russians invade the Danubian Provinces.
334 8. Napoleon sends aid to the Porte. - Departure of the English Ambassador. - Admiral Duckworth passes the Dardanelles.
336 9. Sebastiani decides the Sultan to offer Resistance. - Measures of Defense. - Retreat of Sir John Duckworth.
339 10. The Turks attack the Russian Fleet. - Expedition of the English against Egypt. - Mehemet Ali.
340 11. Revolt of the Yamaks. - Deposition of the Sultan.
342 12. Mustapha IV. (29th May, 1807, to 28th July, 1808). - Peace of Tilsit.
344 13. The Conspiracy of Baraïctar. - Deposition of Mustapha IV.
346 Chapter II. Reign Of Mahmoud II. To The Peace Of Adrianople (1808-1829).
346 1. Sway and Downfall of Baraïctar.
347 2. Discussion of Napoleon and Alexander upon the Turkish Empire. - Resumption of Hostilities with Russia. - Treaty of Bucharest.
350 3. Sequel of the Servian Insurrection.
353 4. The Wahabites. - Power of Mehemet Ali. - Revolt of Ali Pacha.
355 5. The Hetaeria. - Insurrection of Greece. - Attempt of Ypsilanti.
358 6. Execution of the Greek Patriach. - Insurrection of the Isles. - Progress of the Insurrection.
360 7. Death of Ali Pacha. - Massacre of Scio. - Dissensions among the Greeks.
362 8. Intervention of the Troops of the Pacha of Egypt. - Capture of Missolonghi.
363 9. Discussions of the Porte with Russia.
365 10. Convention of Ackerman. - Treaty of 6th July, 1827.
366 11. Battle of Navarino. - Declaration of War against Russia.
368 12. Destruction of the Janissaries.
371 13. Expedition of the French in the Morea.
372 14. Campaigns of 1828 and 1829. - Treaty of Adrianople. - Independence of Greece.
376 Chapter III. From The Peace Of Adrianople To The Peace Of Paris (1829-1856).
376 1. Relations of France with the Levant during the Restoration and after the Revolution of 1830.
378 2. Power of Mehemet Ali.- His Rupture with the Porte. - Battle of Homs and Konieh.
380 3. Intervention of France and Russia. - Treaty between the Sultan and the Pacha of Egypt. - Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi.
382 4. Reforms of Mahmoud. - Fresh rupture with the Pacha of Egypt. - Battle of Nezib. - Death of Mahmoud.
384 5. Succession of Abdul Medjid. - Treaty of the 15th July, 1840. - Conclusion of the difference between the Sultan and the Pacha of Egypt.
387 6. Reign of Abdul Medjid.
391 7. Discussions relative to the Holy Places. - The Russian troops invade the Danubian Principalities.
397 Chapter IV. [From The End Of The Crimean War To The European Conference At Constantinople.]
397 1. End of the Crimean War. - Treaty of Paris.
400 2. Disorders of the Insurrections in the Tributary Provinces.
402 3. The attitude of Russia towards Turkey in 1876-1877.
403 4. Deposition and death of Abdul Aziz. - Accession of Abdul Hamid. - European Conference at Constantinople.
405 5. Fall and Banishment of the Grand Vizier Midhat Pacha.
406 6. Russia declares War against the Porte.
408 7. The Campaign of the Danube.
417 8. Fall of Plevna and surrender of Osman Pacha.
421 9. Exhaustion of the Turkish Armies.
423 Chapter V.
452 Book V. Description Of Turkey.
452 Chapter I.
452 1. Turkey in Europe, Asia and Africa. - Administrative and Statistical Divisions.
454 2. Turkey in Europe. - Constantinople.
459 3. The Danube, from its Source to its Mouths.
473 4. Wallachia and Moldavia (Roumania).
479 5. Bosnia.
481 6. Servia.
486 7. Bulgaria.
493 Chapter II. Provinces Of The Archipelago.
493 1. The Hellenic Peninsula.
494 2. Thrace.
499 3. The Dardanelles and the Sea of Marmora.
501 4. The Bosphorus.
504 5. Macedonia.
508 6. Thessaly.
511 7. The Balkans.
514 Chapter III. Provinces Of The Adriatic Sea.
524 Chapter IV. Greece And The Isles Of The Acrhipelago.
526 Chapter V. Turkey In Asia.
526 1. The Caucasus.
530 2. Basins of the Phasis, the Kour and the Araxes.
532 3. Mountains of Western Asia.
533 4. Basins of the Euphrates and the Tigris.
536 Chapter VI. Turkey In Asia. Asia Minor Or Anatolia.
537 1. Cilicia, Pamphylia, and Lycia.
538 2. Caria, Lydia, and Mysia.
541 3. Bythynia, Pontus, Paphlagonia.
543 4. Galatia, Phrygia, Cappadocia.
544 5. The Isles of Asia Minor.
548 Chapter VII. Turkey In Asia. Syria And Arabia.
Summary Of The Berlin Treaty.
Summary Of Chief Events Connected With The Berlin Treaty Since Its Signature.
556 Bulgaria.
557 Eastern Roumelia.
558 The Turkish Army.
559 Dulcigno.
Historical Index.