Progress toward security and stability in Afghanistan : report to congress in accordance with the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act ( section 1230, Public Law 110 - 181 ) / U.S. Department of Defense. Washington D.C. : U.S. Department of Defense, 2009 ; Halle (Saale) : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2009
Executive Summary
Section 1: Comprehensive Strategy for Afghanistan
1.1 Counterinsurgency
1.2: Strategic Goals
1.3: “Clear, Hold, and Build”
1.4: International Engagement
1.5: Lines of Operation
1.5.1: Security
1.5.2: Governance
Rule of Law
Policy Development
Policy Implementation and Public Service Delivery
Government Accountability
Democracy and Human Rights
1.5.3: Reconstruction and Development
Social Sector Development
Agriculture and Rural Development
Economic Governance and Private Sector Development
1.5.4: Counternarcotics
Section 2: Security
2.1 Streamlining Command and Control
2.2 North Atlantic Treaty Organization-led International Security Assistance Force
2.2.1 Efforts to Increase Coordination among ISAF Countries
2.2.2 Efforts to Encourage NATO ISAF Countries to Fulfill Commitments
2.2.3 National Caveats on NATO/ISAF Forces
2.3 Operations
2.4 Nature of the Threat
2.5 Civilian Casualties
2.6 Afghanistan National Security Forces
2.6.1 ANSF Budget
2.6.2 ANSF Growth
2.6.3 ANSF Recruiting and Retention
2.6.4 International Engagement and Coordination to support the ANSF
2.6.5 Afghan National Army
ANA Training and Mentoring Efforts
ANA Recruiting and Retention
ANA Salary and Pay
ANA Equipment
ANA Assessment
2.6.6 Afghan National Police (ANP)
3.1 Executive Branch
3.2 Legislative Branch
3.3 Judicial Branch
3.4 Anti-Corruption Efforts
3.5 Human Rights
3.6 Governance Indicators
4.1 Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)
4.2 Interagency and International Coordination
4.3 Food Assistance
4.4 Reconstruction and Development
4.4.1 Economic and Social Indicators of Progress
Poverty Levels and Unemployment
USAID Efforts in Agriculture and Alternative Development
United States Department of Agriculture Efforts
USDA Agricultural Advisors on Provincial Reconstruction Teams
USDA Technical Assistance
Department of Defense Agriculture Development Teams (ADTs)
Natural Resources
4.5 Provincial Reconstruction Teams
4.5.1 Strategy and Objectives
Bagram PRT (Kapisa Province)
Konar PRT
Nangarhar PRT
Laghman PRT
Farah PRT
Panjshir PRT
Nuristan PRT
Ghazni PRT
Paktya PRT
Paktika PRT
Khowst PRT
Qalat PRT
4.5.2 Staffing of PRTs
4.5.3 Coordination and Chain of Command
4.5.4 Provincial Reconstruction Team Funding
4.6 Reconstruction and Development Oversight
4.7 U.S. Funding for Efforts in Afghanistan
4.8 Economic Development Outlook
Section 5: Counternarcotics (CN)
5.1 Strategy and Priorities
5.2 Roles and Missions
5.3 Efforts to Improve Afghan Capacity
5.4 Progress to Date
5.5 Impact of CN on the COIN Mission
5.6 Potential Improvements
Section 6: Regional Engagement