Muslim organisations and the state : European perspectives / Axel Kreienbrink and Mark Bodenstein (eds.). Nürnberg : Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, 2010 ; Halle (Saale) : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2010
I. Comparative Perspectives
Muslim Self-Organisation Between Etatism and Civil Society: Countries and Concepts
1. Concepts of Civil Society and Models of Church-State Relation
2. The Multicultural Approach in Great Britain
3. The Etatistic Approach in France
4. The Socio-Cultural Approach in German
5. Pros and Cons of the Various Political Approaches
Muslim Self-Organisation in Europe: Risks and Odds of State Intervention
II. Country Studies..
Organisational Developments towards Legal and Political Recognition of Muslims in Germany
Furthering Muslim Self- Organisation: The Task of the German Islam Conference
Muslim Organisations and State Interaction in Spain: Towards a More Pluralistic Representation?
1. The Setting Up of Muslim Organisations During the 80s and 90s
2. A New Political Agenda for State Interaction With Muslims After March 11
3. Towards a Changing (and Challenging) Landscape for Muslim Self-Organisation and Official Representation After March 11
Muslim Self-Organisation and State Interaction with Muslim Organisations in Italy
1. The Representation of Islam in Italy: the Main Muslim Organisations
2. Conflict About the Intesa
3. The Consulta for Islam in Italy
4. Concluding Observations
From a Regulation of the Religious Landscape to the “Preacher State”: The French Situation
1. The “Preacher State” Concept
2. The State as the Main Control of the French Islamic Stage
3. Organising Islamic Worship or Reforming Islam?
From Race to Faith Relations, the Local to the National Level: The State and Muslim Organisations in Britain
1. Introduction
2. From ‘Race’ to ‘Faith’ Relations: the UK State, Multiculturalism and the Established Church
3. From the Local to the National: ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Muslim Leaderships in Britain
4. The Rise and Fall of the Muslim Council of Britain
5. The UK State and Muslim Organisations After ‘7/7’
6. Conclusion
III. Muslims in Germany: State of the Art and Open Questions
Through the Maze of Identities: Muslims in Germany Trying to Find Their Way Between Reli-gion, Traditionalism, Nationalism and the Question of Organisation
1. Introduction
2. Historical Backgrounds of the Muslim Discourses in Germany
3. The Present State of the Muslim Discourses
4. Reference Points for the Construction of Muslim Identities
5. The Introduction of Islamic Religious Education in German Schools as a Touchstone of Identity Construction
The Turkish Bias and Some Blind Spots: Research on Muslims in Germany
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