Institutions of Georgia for governance on national minorities : an overview / Giorgi Sordia. Flensburg : European Center for Minority Issues, 2009
I. Introduction
1. Early institutional developments with regard to national minorities
2. The institutional set-up after the ‘Rose Revolution’
II. Executive Level Institutions Relating to National Minority Integration
1. The Office of the State Minister for Reintegration Issues (and the Office of the State Minister for Conflict Resolution Issues)
2. The Advisor to the President on Civil Integration Issues and the Civil Integration and Tolerance Council
3. The Public Defender and the Council of National Minorities
4. The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
5. Ministry of Culture, Monument Protection and Sport
6. The State Minister for Diaspora Issues
7. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
8. The Ministry of Refugees and Accommodation
9. The Ministry of Interior Affairs
III. Legislative Level Institutions
Executive Level Institutions Established after the ‘Rose Revolution’ but Abolished Due to Government Reshuffles
1. The Office of the State Minister for National Accord Issues
2. The Department of Inter-Ethnic Relations and Civic Integration at the Administration of the President
Annex 2
Cabinet reshuffles after the Rose Revolution
Annex 4
National Concept for Tolerance and Civil Integration