Europe and Iran : perspectives on non-proliferation / ed. by Shannon N. Kile. Solna : Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 2005 ; Halle (Saale) : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2005
Acronyms and abbreviations
1. The controversy over Iran’s nuclear programme
I. Introduction
II. Overview of Iran’s nuclear programme
III. Iran and nuclear proliferation concerns
Table 1.1. Iran’s nuclear infrastructure relevant to IAEA safeguards, January 2005
IV. Implications for the nuclear non-proliferation regime
2. The evolution of Iran’s national security doctrine
I. Introduction
II. Iran’s security behaviour seen from the outside
III. Factors shaping Iran’s security policy thinking
3. The EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
I. Introduction
II. The development of the EU WMD strategy
III. The substance of the strategy
IV. The implementation of the strategy
V. Conclusions
4. The nuclear controversy in the context of Iran’s evolving defence strategy
I. Introduction
II. The legacy of the Iraq–Iran War
III. Iran and deterrence
IV. The evolution of Iran’s security forces and defence mentality
V. The internal dimensions of the threat to survival: regime security
VI. The evolution of external threat perceptions
VII. A strategy of active neutrality
VIII. The occupation of Iraq and Iran’s nuclear policy
IX. Uncertainties about Iran’s nuclear intentions
X. Conclusions
5. The process of national security decision making in Iran: the signing of the Additional Protocol
I. Introduction
II. Iran’s approaches to arms control and disarmament conventions
III. Iran’s decisions on nuclear policy
IV. Who are the decision makers?
V. How are national security decisions made?
VI. Conclusions
6. The EU and Iran: towards a new political and security dialogue
I. Introduction
II. Iran’s encirclement mentality—more real thanimagined
III. The variables of religious and national identity
IV. The larger political context
V. The position of the European Union
VI. Iran’s intentions and the EU’s future strategy
VII. The EU and Iran: developing a dialogue on non-proliferation?
VIII. Mainstreaming non-proliferation
IX. Conditional engagement and the future of EU relations with Iran
X. Recommendations
7. Final thoughts on Iran, the EU and the limits of conditionality
Appendix A. The agreements between the EU and Iran
Appendix B. The EU non-proliferation clause
About the authors