Military expenditure data in Africa: a survey of Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda / Wuyi Omitoogun. Solna : Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 2003 ; Halle (Saale) : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2003
1. Introduction
I. Background
II. Purpose, scope and method of study
III. Framework of analysis: the issues
IV. The structure of this book
2. Existing data sources
I. Introduction
II. National and international sources of military expenditure data
Table 2.1. African countries which reported their military expenditure to the UN between 1992 and 2002 using the UN Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures
Table 2.2. African countries which included defence expenditure data in their response to the Government Finance Statistics Yearbook request for data, 1992–2002
III. The international reporting institutions
Table 2.3. Responses to SIPRI, UN and IMF requests for military expenditure data, 1992–2002
3. Cameroon
I. Background
II. External assistance
III. The available official data
Table 3.1. A comparison of data on Cameroon’s military expenditure from different sources, 1981/82–2000/2001
IV. Data quality
V. The composition of military expenditure
Table 3.2. The composition of Cameroon’s military expenditure, 1997/98–2000/2001
VI. Trends in and levels of military expenditure
VII. Summary: assessment of data
4. Ethiopia
I. Background
II. External assistance
III. The available official data
IV. Data quality
Table 4.1. A comparison of data on Ethiopia’s military expenditure from different sources, 1980/81–1999/2000
V. The composition of military expenditure
Table 4.2. The composition of Ethiopia’s military expenditure, 1979/80–1982/83
VI. Trends in and levels of military expenditure
VII. Summary: assessment of data
5. Ghana
I. Background
II. The available official data
Table 5.1. A comparison of data on Ghana’s military expenditure from different sources, 1980–2001
III. Data quality
IV. The composition of military expenditure
Table 5.2. Ghana: implementation of military expenditure, 1985–2000
V. Trends in and levels of military expenditure
VI. Summary: assessment of data
6. Kenya
I. Background
II. The available official data
III. Data quality
Table 6.1. The military expenditure of Kenya: total, and military construction and equipment, 1980/81–1996/97
IV. The composition of military expenditure
Table 6.2. The military expenditure of Kenya: recurrent and development expenditure, 1980/81–2000/2001
V. Trends in and levels of military expenditure
VI. Summary: assessment of data
7. Nigeria
I. Background
II. The available official data
III. Data quality
Table 7.1. A comparison of data on Nigeria’s military expenditure from different national sources, 1993–2002
Table 7.2. A comparison of the Nigerian Ministry of Defence proposed budget, government-announced estimates and actual releases from the government, 1996–2002
IV. The composition of military expenditure
Table 7.3. The composition of Nigeria’s military expenditure, 1990–2002
V. Trends in and level of military expenditure
VI. Summary: assessment of data
8. Uganda
I. Background
II. External assistance
III. The available official data
IV. Data quality
V. The composition of military expenditure
VI. Trends in and levels of military expenditure
Table 8.1. The military expenditure of Uganda: recurrent and development expenditure and their respective shares of total central government expenditure, 1982/83–1999/2000
VII. Summary: assessment of data
9. Conclusions: towards a better understanding of military expenditure in Africa
I. Introduction
II. The availability of data
III. Data quality
IV. The trend and level of military expenditure in Africa
V. Summary and conclusions
VI. Recommendations
Appendix. Military expenditure and economic data, 1980−2002
Table A1. Cameroon: military expenditure and economic data, 1982–2002
Table A2. Ethiopia: military expenditure and economic data, 1981–2002
Table A3. Ghana: military expenditure and economic data, 1983–2002
Table A4. Kenya: military expenditure and economic data, 1981–2002
Table A5. Nigeria: military expenditure and economic data, 1980–2002
Table A6. Uganda: military expenditure and economic data, 1983–2002