Turkish Equities : Istanbulletin ; in-depth report / Michael Harris ; Zekeriya Öztürk ; Mehmet Simsek. Istanbul, 2002 ; Halle (Saale) : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2002
Table 1: Reports Recently Published
1. Action List
Ford Otosan: Market Not Pricing in Transit Project
Akbank and Garanti Top Bank Picks
Hurriyet - Leveraged to Recovery
Koc Holding - from Reduce to Neutral
Erdemir - Maintained Buy
Akcansa - A Remaining Value Play
2. Turkish Strategy
3. Turkish Economics
4. Calendar of Events
Turkey - Stockmarket Indicators
Stockmarket Performance [USD terms]
Market Price:Book Ratio
Market Deviation from 13-Week Average
14-Day Relative Strength Indicator
Fund Managers' Stance [%]
Country Macro Momentum
Turkey - Main Economic Indicators
Real GDP Growth [%, YoY]
Industrial Output Growth [%, 3M MA]
Private Consumption Growth [%, YoY]
Import Growth - By Category [%, 3M MA]
Investment Growth [%, YoY]
12M Forward Consensus Real GDP Growth Forecast [%]
Inflation Rate [%, YoY]
Short-Term Interest Rates [%]
Exchange Rate [USD]
Real Exchange Rate [USD]
Real Growth of Credit to Private Sector [%, 3M MA]
Real M2 Growth [%, 3M MA]
Apendix I Turkey - Main Economic Indicators
Export and Import Growth [%, 3M MA]
Trade Balance [USDmn, 3M MA]
Current Account [USDmn]
Net Direct Investment [USDmn]
Other Capital Flows [USDmn]
Foreign Exchange Reserves [USDbn]
Appendix II
Appendix III - Turkey Sources and Notes