Mockery of justice : the framing of Siamak Pourzand / Iran Human Rights Documentation Center. New Haven : Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, 2008 ; Halle (Saale) : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2008
2- Inside Front cover.pdf
3- Mockery of Justice- cover sheet.pdf
4- Mockery of Justice - Report.pdf
5- Mockery of Justice Appendices.pdf
7- Appendix 1 cover sheet.pdf
8- UN Resolution.pdf
9- Appendix 2 cover sheet.pdf
10- ISNA reports on Khuini.pdf
11- Translation ISNA reports on Khuini.pdf
12- Appendix 3 cover sheet.pdf
13- MKAR Letter to A90C.pdf
14- Translation of MKAR letter to A90C.pdf
15- Appendix 4 cover sheet.pdf
Secret Prisoner - English Back cover - Final.pdf