No safe haven : Iran's global assassination campaign / Iran Human Rights Documentation Center. New Haven : Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, 2008 ; Halle (Saale) : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2008
2. Inside of front cover.pdf
3. Title sheet plus blank - April 08.pdf
5. Appendices Cover Sheet.pdf
6. Appendices Table of Contents.pdf
7. Cover for Appendix 1.pdf
8. Appendix 1 - list of 162 victims.pdf
9. Cover for Appendix 2.pdf
10. Appendix 2 - Beheshti re Extradition of Bakhtiyar.pdf
11. Translation of Appendix 2 - Beheshti re Extradition of Bakhtiyar.pdf
12. Cover for Appendix 3.pdf
13. Appendix 3 - Khalkhali rel assassinate the pahlavi family.pdf
14. Translation of Appendix 3 - Khalkhali re assassinate the pahlavi family.pdf
15. Cover for Appendix 4.pdf
16. Appendix 4 - Khomeini issued an execution fatwa.pdf
17 - Translation of Appendix 4 - Imam Issued an Execution Fatwa.pdf
18. Cover for Appendix 5.pdf
19. Appendix 5 - Ganji Death sentence.pdf
20. Translation of Appendix 5 - Ganji Death sentence.pdf
21. Inside of Back cover.pdf
22. Back cover sample 1.pdf