National adaption programme of action to climate change : NAPA RIM / Fall Oumar [u.a.]. Bonn : United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2004 ; Halle (Saale) : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2004
Part 1: Country presentation and Project rationale
I. Introduction and background
1.1. General country characteristics
1.2. Pressure on environment
1.3. Biophysical processes and climate change
1.4. Key sectors and climate change
II. Framework of Adaptation Programme
2.1. Adverse effects of climate change
2.2. Background to NAPA
2.3. Obstacles to NAPA implementation
III. Identification of basic adaptation needs
3.1.Previous and current adaptation practices
3.2.Appropriate solutions to adaptation to climate change
IV. Criteria for selection of priority options
4.1.Need for criteria
4.2.Basis for identification of criteria
4.3.Identified and validated criteria
V. List of priority adaptation activities and measures
VI. Process of preparation for NAPA
6.1.Establishment of NAPA implementing bodies
6.2.Review of studies and research arising from climate change
6.3.National consultation
6.4.Regional consultation
6.5.Classification criteria
6.6.Categorization of priority adaptation options
6.7.Classification of priority options
6.8.NAPA project profiles
6.9.Validation process
Part 2: Priority Adaptation Activities