Dealing with European foreign fighters in Syria : governance challenges & legal implications / Edwin Bakker; Christophe Paulussen and Eva Entenmann. The Hague : International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, 2013 ; Halle (Saale) : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2013
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Body Text
1. The Foreign Fighter Phenomenon0F
2. The Potential Threat
3. The Risk Assessment Challenge
4. The Governance Challenge: Between Prevention and Pursuit
5. The Legal Challenge: Prosecution via International Crimes
6. The Legal Challenge: Specific National Practices
6.1 Austria
6.2 Belgium
6.3 France
6.4 Germany
6.5 Italy
6.6 Spain
6.7 The Netherlands136F
6.8 United Kingdom
7. Concluding Remarks and Recommendations