Cultural changes in the Turkic world / edited by Filiz Kıral; Barbara Pusch, Claus Schönig, Arus Yumul. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag in Kommission, 2016
Part 1: Cultural Changes in Turkey
Börte Sagaster & Catharina Dufft: New Tendencies in Turkish Literature and Some Aspects of Orhan Pamuk’s Works
Filiz Çakır Phillip: The Development of Food Culture in Turkey
Süheyla Kırca Schroeder: Küreselleşen Kulüp Kültürünün Ticari ve Kültürel Ağları: İstanbul Durağı
Arus Yumul: Representing the Non-Muslims
Uğur Kömeçoğlu: Islamic Patterns of Consumption
Selmin Kaşka: Yeni Uluslararası Göç Hareketleri ve Türkiye’deki Moldovalı Kadın Hizmetçiler
Part 2: Cultural Changes in the Turkic World
Ildikó Bellér-Hann: Sincan Uygurları ve Çinliler Arasındaki Etnik Ilişkiler ve Kimlik
Irina Nevskaya: Ethno-Linguistic Processes in Post-Soviet South Siberia
Astrid Menz: The Gagauz Between Christianity and Turkishness
Hanne Straube: “The Spirit of Manas Lives”. The Importance of the Manas Epic for the Formation of the Nation of Kyrgyzstan
Arienne M. Dwyer: Syncretism in Salar Love Songs
Filiz Kıral: Linguistic Data as An Indicator of Cultural Change: The Case of Iran-Turkic
About the Authors