Groups, ideologies and discourses : glimpses of the Turkic speaking world / edited by Christoph Herzog, Barbara Pusch. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag in Kommission, 2016
Introductory Note
Christoph Herzog: The “Clash of Civilizations” in the Post Nine-Eleven Discourse of Turkey
H. Birsen Örs: Early Findings of a Field Survey on the Perception of the Army by Non-Muslim Minorities Living in Turkey: The Case of Armenians
Ayşegül Komsuoğlu: Findings of a Field Survey on Turkey’s Armenians: Notes on Their Political Profile
Uğur Kömeçoğlu: Concordance between Asceticism and Activism: The Numinous Dimension of an Islamic Community Movement
Barbara Pusch: Discourse of Islamic Love in Present Day Turkey
İnci Özkan Kerestecioğlu: Family as the Micro-Power Domain of Ottoman-Turkish Modernization
Sevgi Uçan Çubukçu: Gender Discourse in Popular Culture: The Case of Television Series in Turkey
Arienne M. Dwyer: Bridal Laments in the Turkic World: A Casualty of Modernity?
Feza Tansuğ: The Uyghur Diaspora in Central Asia: Social Change, Identity and Music-Making
Hanne Straube: Pro and Con Manas: The Discourse about the Use of an Epic for a National Ideology in Kyrgyzstan
About the Authors