Ibāḍism east of Mesopotamia : early Islamic Iran, Central Asia and India / Abdulrahman al-Salimi. [Halle, Saale] : [Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt], 2017
Title page
Table of contents
Symbols and abbreviations
Chapter one: The Sīrah to the people of Khwārazm
Chapter two: The Sīrah to the people of Khurāsān
Chapter three: The Sīrah of Imam Rāshid b. Saʿīd to the people of Manṣūrah
Chapter four: Ibāḍism in realy islamic Iran, central Asia and India
4.1 Siyar and Ibāḍī history in the East
141 4.2 The historical background of the Muḥakkimah
145 4.3 The schisms among the Muḥakkimah and the settlements in the East
149 4.4 Other aspects of the relationship between Ibāḍism and the East
158 4.5 The Ibāḍī Settlements in the East
Chapter five: Rereading the Siyar on Oman's socio-political history
5.1 The socio-political situation in Oman during the period of the Siyar
173 5.2 Chronology of Imams in Oman
Summary and conclusion
Titelblatt ابضية شرق بلاد مابين النهرين وايران وآسيا الوسطى والهند في العصر الإسلامي الأول