The Ottoman Crimean War : (1853 - 1856) / by Candan Badem. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2010
List of Illustrations and Maps
List of Abbreviations
List of Geographical Names
A Note on Transliteration and Dates
Chapter One Introduction and Review of the Sources
Ottoman and Turkish Sources
Turkish Official Military History
Dissertations and Theses in Turkish
Sources in Russian
Sources in Other Languages
Chapter Two The Origins of the War
Overview of the Ottoman Empire on the Eve of the War
Relations with Britain
Russia between Expansionism and Legitimism
Dispute over the Holy Places
Positions of France, Austria and Other States
The “Sick Man of Europe”
The Mission of Prince Menshikov
The Vienna Note and the “Turkish Ultimatum”
European and Ottoman Public Opinion before the War
Chapter Three Battles and Diplomacy during the War
The Declaration of War
The Danubian Front in 1853
The Battle of Sinop and European Public Opinion
The Caucasian Front in 1853
Relations with Imam Shamil and the Circassians in 1853
The Battle of Şekvetil
The Battles of Ahısha, Bayındır and Başgedikler
The Danubian Front in 1854 and the Declaration of War by France and Britain
The Caucasian Front in 1854–1855
Relations with Shamil and the Circassians in 1854–1855
The Campaign of Summer 1854 and the Battle of Kürekdere
The Siege and Fall of Kars and Ömer Pasha’s Caucasian Campaignin 1855
Battles in the Crimea and the Siege of Sevastopol
The End of the War and the Treaty of Paris
Chapter Four Financing the War
Ottoman Financial Crisis before the War
The Abortive Loan of 1852
Ottoman War Expenses
Conspicuous Consumption by Palace Women
The Mission of Namık Pasha
The Mission of Black and Durand and the First Foreign Loan of 1854
The İane-i Harbiye
The Guaranteed Loan of 1855
The Loan Control Commission of 1855
Chapter Five The Impact of the War on Ottoman Social and Political Life
Contacts with the Europeans
The Islahat Fermanı and the Question of the Equality of Muslims and Non-Muslims
The Prohibition of the Black Sea White Slave Trade
Law and Order in the Provinces
The Revolt of Yezdanşêr
British Interference and the Suppression of the Rebellion
Desertions and the Başıbozuk Troops as a Source of Disorder
Public Opinion and Patriotism
Corruption and its Treatment