The hidden patients : North African women in French colonial psychiatry / von Nina Salouâ Studer. Köln ; Weimar ; Wien : Böhlau Verlag, 2016
Nina Salouâ Studer:The Hidden Patients. North African Women in French Colonial Psychiatry.
Table of Content
The Fascination with Insanity
The Psychiatric Maghreb – a Unit of the Orientalist Imagination
Framing the Title – “The Hidden Patients”
Selection of the Chronological Scope
Source Material and Existing Literature
Chapter Outline
Chapter 1 Making Sense of Normality: The Fascination with Non-Patients
1.1 Case Study on North African Superstitions and the Shift from “Abnormality” to “Normality”
1.2 Female Muslim Normality in Psychiatric Theories
1.3 Definitions of the Normality of Female Muslims
1.4 Gendered Processes of Pathologisation
Chapter 2 Discovering Deviance: The Criminalisation of Patients
2.1 Case Study on Alternative Modes of Admission
2.2 Fascination with Criminality
2.3 Definitions of Criminality in a Colonial Context
2.4 French Laws on Placements in Asylums
2.5 The Violent Muslim Man and the Passive Muslim Woman
2.6 Mechanisms of Admission
2.7 Criticisms of Admissions
Chapter 3 The Visible Patient: Categorising Deviance
3.1 Case Study on Patient Transit through the Psychiatric System
3.2 Counting Muslim Patients
3.3 Diagnoses and Prognoses
3.4 French Colonial Statistics as a Historical Source
Chapter 4 Treating Deviance: The Shock of the New
4.1 Case Study on Treatments and the Question of Civilisation
4.2 Treating Muslim Patients
4.3 Morals and Degeneration
4.4 Drugs, Operations and the Absence of Communication
4.5 Contextualising Progress
Chapter 5 Making Sense of Absence: The Curious Case of the Missing Diagnoses
5.1 Case Study on Diagnostic Variety and Hallucinations
5.2 Unfashionable Diagnoses
5.3 General Paralysis: Alcohol, Syphilis and Civilisation
5.4 Puerperal Insanity: The Perfect Mothers
5.5 Hysteria: Disease of the “Race”
5.6 The Absence of Diagnoses
Conclusion: Visible Psychiatrists
Appendix A: Mini-Biographies of Colonial Authors on Insanity among North African Muslims
Appendix B: Representation of Colonial Statistics
Arabic Glossary
List of Images
General Index
People Index
Places Index