Discrimination and tolerance in the Middle East : proceedings of the Conference on Discrimination and Tolerance in the Middle East organized by the Lebanese American University (LAU) and the Orient-Institut [...] / ed. by Ray Jabre Mouawad. Assisted by Kristiaan Aercke, Vahid Behmardi. Halle, Saale : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2019
Table of Contents
Introduction to discrimination and tolerance in the Middle East
Is Tolerance Rational?
A rare Revelation
The Christians under Ottoman Rule in the Writings of 18th Century Historians of Bilad al-Sham
Churches oriented towards Mecca
The Jizyah in Lebanon during the Ottoman Period
Re-writing the Self: Addressing a Culture of Tolerance through Literature
Migrant Islam and Arab Racism in the Context of Globalisation
Can Modernity coexist with the Millet System in Lebanon? A Sunni Muslim Perspektive
Gender and Sexuality in Saadawi's Two Women in One
Beiruter Texte und Studien