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Nächste Seite
Letzte Seite
Kitāb Iršād al-arīb ilā maʿrifat al-adīb al-maʿrūf bi-Muʿǧam al-udabāʾ wa-ṭabaqāt...
Containing part of the letter ʿAin
[كتاب ارشاد الاريب الى معرفة الاديب لياقوت الرومي- الجزء الخامس ]
Containing part of the letter Alif
Containing the latter part of the letter Alif to the end of the letter Ǧīm
Containing part of the letter Ḥ
Containing the last part of the letter Ḥā to the first part of ʿAin
Yāqūt Ibn-ʿAbdallāh ar-Rūmī ; Margoliouth, D. S.: Containing part of the letter ʿAin
"E. J. W. Gibb Memorial" Series.
[كتاب ارشاد الاريب الى معرفة الاديب لياقوت الرومي- الجزء الخامس ]
فهرست التراجم
Containing the last part of the letter ʿAin to the first part of the letter Mīm
Containing the last part of the letter Mīm to the end of the work
Wird geladen ...
Teil eines Werkes
Vol. 5 (1911) Containing part of the letter ʿAin
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