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The Caliphate
XII Sultan Salīm In Egypt
Front cover
Title page
Table Of Contents
I The Caliphate And The Holy Roman Empire
II Origin Of The Caliphate. The Titles Of The Caliph
III Theological Sanction For The Caliphate In The Qurʾān And The Traditions
IV Historical Survey Of The Abbasid Dynasty
V The Exposition Of The Jurists
VI Recognition Of The Abbasid Caliphate From The Eleventh To The Thirteenth Century
VII Establishment Of The Abbasid Caliphate In Cairo
VIII Relations Of The Abbasid Caliphs In Cairo With Other Princes In The Muslim World
IX Assumption Of The Title Khalīfah By Independent Muslim Princes
X The Exposition Of Philosophical And Ethical Writers
XI The Ottomans And The Calipahte
XII Sultan Salīm In Egypt
XIII The Mughal Emperors In India
XIV The Later Ottoman Sultans And The Caliphate
Appendix A Shiah And Khawārij Doctrines Of The Caliphate
Appendix B The Alleged Spiritual Powers Of The Caliph
Appendix C Popular Uses Of The Term Khalīfah
Appendix D The Title Sultan
Appendix E The Titles Of The Ottoman Sultan
References To Authorities
Back cover
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The Caliphate / by Thomas W. Arnold
Place and Date of Creation
Oxford [u.a.]
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