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Notes on the Bedouins and Wahâbys
Vol. 2
Materials For A History Of The Wahábys.
Distribution of the Turkish forces in Hedjaz - Massacre at Bahra - Mohammed Aly sends...
Vol. 1
Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig ; Colburn, Henry:
Front cover
Title page
Contents Of The Second Volume.
Account Of The Bedouins.
Materials For A History Of The Wahábys.
Of Saoud's person and family.
Wahaby Government.
Administration of Justice.
Military Affairs of the Wahabys.
Gháleb, Sherif of Mekka, and the Turkisch Pasha of Baghdád, at war with the Wahábys.- The holy cities, Mekka and Medinah, taken by the Wahábys.
Mohammed Aly, Pasha of Cairo, despatches his son Tousoun Pasha with a Turkisch army to invade Arabia. - Thomas Keith, a Scotchman, (Ibrahim Aga, ) commander of Tousoun's Mammelouks - His intrepidity - Ahmed Aga, surnamed Bonaparte - Medinah taken by the Turks, and Mekka surrendered to them.
Mohammed Aly Pasha proceeds from Egypt with an army of Turks - Arrives at Djidda and Mekka - Arrests Sherif Gháleb, and sends him prisoner to Cairo - Gháleb's troops assemble at Taraba.
The Begoum Arabs headed by a woman, regarded as a sorceress by the Turks, who are defeated at Taraba - Mohammed Aly takes Gonfode - Discontent of the Turkish troops - Death of Saoud - His son Abdallah declared chief of the Wahabys.
Distribution of the Turkish forces in Hedjaz - Massacre at Bahra - Mohammed Aly sends his son Tousoun Pasha to Medinah - The Turks defeated by the Wahabys in Zohrán - Mohammed Aly marches from Mekka towards Byssel - The Wahabys defeated there.
Turks elated with victory-their cruelty - their distresses on the march from Beishe - Mohammed Aly returns to Mekka -Makes proposals of peace to Abdallah Ibn Saoud.
Abdallah Ibn Saoud enters Kasym with an army - Negotiations between him and Tousoun Pasha - Peace concluded - Mohammed Aly returns to Cairo - Despatches his son Ibrahim Pasha with an army to renew the war in Hedjaz.
Index Of Arabic Words.
Back cover
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Vol. 2 (1831)
Place and Date of Creation
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