Muir, William: The life of Mahomet and history of Islam, to the era of the Hegira : with introductory chapters on the original sources for the biography of Mahomet, and on the pre-islamite history of Arabia : Volume 3 / by William Muir. London. London : Smith : Elder, 1861
PDF Volume 1
PDF Volume 2
PDF Muir, William:
Front cover
Title page
Chapter Eight. Arrival at Medîna.- Building of the Mosque.
25 Chapter Ninth. State of Parties at Medîna.- First two Years after Mahomet's Arrival.
39 Chapter Tenth. Religious Institutions and Miscellaneous Events during the First and Second Years of Hegira. A.D.623.
63 Chapter Eleventh. Hostilities between Medîna and Mecca.
82 Chapter Twelfth. The Battle of Badr.
130 Chapter Thirteenth. The Year following the Battle of Badr. Ramadhân, A.H. II. to Shabân, A.H.III.- A.D.624.
153 Chapter Fourteenth. The Battle of Ohod. Shawwâl A.H. III. January, A.D. 625.
198 Chapter Fifteenth. From the Battle of Ohod to the Expulsion of the Bani Nadhîr. A.H.IV. A.D. 625.
220 Chapter Sixteenth. The Fourth and Fifth Years of the Hegira ; or from the middle of 625 A.D. to the end of 626 A.D.
255 Chapter Seventeenth. Siege of Medîna, and Massacre of the Bani Coreitza.
Supplement to Volume Third.
311 Appendix. Chronological Order Of The Suras Revealed At Medina.
Back cover
PDF Volume 4