Arabic chrestomathy in Hebrew characters with a glossary / ed. by Hartwig Hirschfeld. London : K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & C., 1892
Table Of Contents.
1 First Part.
1 1. Megillath Antiochus.
6 2. Yemen Prayerbook.
11 3. Nūr alẒulm.
14 4. Extracts from a Midrash on Leviticus.
19 5. Jehuda b. Nissim b. Malkah's Commentary on Sefer Yezirah.
31 6. Dictionary of difficult words of Bible and Midrasch.
Second Part.
1. Saʿadya AlFayyūmi's Kitāb alAmānāt walIʿtīqādāt.
37 2. Jehuda b. Dāwud Ḥayyūǧ's Ḥurūf alLayn walMadd.
51 3. Marwān b. Ǧanāḥ's Kitāb alLumʿa.
54 4. Chapter on Biblical Chaldee.
61 5. Mose b. Ezra's Kitāb alMuḥādhara walMudākarah.
63 6. Jeh. Hallēvi's Kitāb alKhazari.
65 7. Mūsa Maimūni's Dalālat al Ḥāirīn.
69 Third Part.
69 1. Treatise on the differences between the Rabbanites and Karaites.
103 2. Salmōn b- Jeroham's Commentary on Koheleth.
109 3. Yefeth's Commentary on Leviticus.
116 [4.] Jaʿkub alQirqisānīs Sefer Hammizvōth.
Notes And Corrections.
A List Of Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, Co.'S (Ltd.) Publications.