Yāqūt Ibn-ʿAbdallāh ar-Rūmī: Kitāb Iršād al-arīb ilā maʿrifat al-adīb al-maʿrūf bi-Muʿǧam al-udabāʾ wa-ṭabaqāt al-udabāʾ : Vol. 6. Containing the last part of the letter ʿAin to the first part of the letter Mīm / Yāqūt ar-Rūmī. Ed. by D. S. Margoliouth. Leyden [u.a.]. Leyden [u.a.] : Brill [u.a.], 1913
PDF Containing part of the letter Alif
PDF Containing the latter part of the letter Alif to the end of the letter Ǧīm
PDF Containing part of the letter Ḥ
PDF Containing the last part of the letter Ḥā to the first part of ʿAin
PDF Containing part of the letter ʿAin
PDF Yāqūt Ibn-ʿAbdallāh ar-Rūmī ; Margoliouth, D. S.: Containing the last part of the letter ʿAin to the first part of the letter Mīm
"E. J. W. Gibb Memorial" Series.
[Arabischer Text]
PDF Containing the last part of the letter Mīm to the end of the work