12 Results
jump to filter-optionsSearch for: Printer / Publisher = "Hinrichs" and Collection = Public Domain
- Iḫwān aṣ-Ṣafāʾ (Ed.)Leipzig : Hinrichs, 1886
- Dieterici, FriedrichLeipzig : Hinrichs, 1881
- Leipzig [u.a.] : Hinrichs [u.a.], 1909-
- Hommel, FritzLeipzig : J. C. Hinrichs, 1879
- Dalman, Gustaf (Ed.)Leipzig : Hinrichs, 1901
- AristotelesLeipzig : Hinrichs, 1882
- Stumme, Hans (Ed.)Leipzig : Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1893
- Loth, Otto ; Ibn-al-Muʿtazz, ʿAbdallāhLeipzig : Hinrichs, 1882
- Bergsträsser, GotthelfLeipzig : Hinrichs, 1914
- Bergsträsser, GotthelfHannover : Orient-Buchh. Heinz Lafaire ; Leipzig : Hinrichs, 1924-
- Bergsträsser, GotthelfHannover : Orient-Buchh. Heinz Lafaire, 1924