9 Results
jump to filter-optionsSearch for: Publication Origin = "[Washington, D.C.]" and Collection = MENAlib Digital Publications
- Goeje, Michael Jan ; Houtsma, Martijn TheodorLugduni-Batavorum : Brill, 1888-
- Königliche Öffentliche Bibliothek zu Dresden (Ed.)Lipsiae : Vogel, 1831
- Londini, 1838 - 1894
- Bonnae : Georg, 1876-
- Tornberg, Carl JohanUpsala : Universitas Upsaliensis, 1849
- Friederich, Rudolph Hermann Theodor ; Berg, Lodewijk Willem ChristiaanBataviae : Bruining & Wijt ; Hagae Comitis : Nijhoff, 1873
- Hamaker, H. A.Lugduni Batavorum : Luchtmans, 1820