9 Results
jump to filter-optionsSearch for: Author / Collaborator = "Agrell, Carl Magnus" and Collection = Public Domain
- Lindgren, Henrik Gerh. ; Schück, Martin ; Lodell, Ericus Petr. ; Castell, Edmund ; Agrell, Carl MagnusUpsaliae : Excudebant Regiæ Academiæ Typographphi, 1841
- Agrell, Carl MagnusLundæ : Berling, 1815
- Agrell, Carl MagnusLundæ : Berling, 1815
- Agrell, Carl MagnusLundæ : Berling, 1815
- Agrell, Carl Magnus ; Kosegarten, Johann Gottfried Ludwig (Ed.)Gryphisvaldiae : Mauritius, 1834-
- Agrell, Carl Magnus ; Kosegarten, Johann Gottfried Ludwig (Ed.)Gryphisvaldiae : Mauritius, 1836
- Agrell, Carl Magnus ; Kosegarten, Johann Gottfried Ludwig (Ed.)Gryphisvaldiae : Mauritius, 1838
- Agrell, Carl Magnus ; Kosegarten, Johann Gottfried Ludwig (Ed.)Gryphisvaldiae : Mauritius, 1834