41 Results
jump to filter-optionsSearch for: Printer / Publisher = "Litteris Christiani Henckelii, Acad. Typ." or Printer / Publisher = "Christian" or Printer / Publisher = "Christian Henckel" and Collection = Public Domain
- Abu-'l-Fidāʾ Ismāʿīl Ibn-ʿAlī ; Reiske, Johann JacobLipsiae : Apvd Christ. Gottl. Hilschervm, 1778
- Abu-'l-Fidāʾ Ismāʿīl Ibn-ʿAlī ; Reiske, Johann JacobLipsiae : Apvd Christ. Gottl. Hilschervm, 1778-
- Abu-'l-Fidāʾ Ismāʿīl Ibn-ʿAlīGoettingae : Dieterich, 1776
- Lipsiae : Vogel, 1824
- Gesenius, Wilhelm ; Vogel, Friedrich Christian WilhelmLipsiae : Vogel, 1824
- Jahn, JohannWien : Verlegts Christ. Fried. Wappler ; Leipzig : gedruckt in der Breitkopfischen Officin, 1793
- Halae ad Salam : Hendel, 1811
- Königliche Öffentliche Bibliothek zu Dresden (Ed.)Lipsiae : Vogel, 1831
- Kosegarten, Johann Gottfried Ludwig (Ed.)Lipsiae [Leipzig ] : Vogel, 1828
- Gardner, W. R. W.London [u.a.] : Christian Literature Society for India, 1910
- Paulus, Heinrich Eberhard GottlobIenae : Apvd Christ. Henr. Cvnonis Haeredes ; [Jena] : Typis Goepferdtii, 1790
- Reiske, Johann JacobLipsiae : Ex Officina Langenhemia, [1759]
- Wernsdorf, Ernst FriedrichLipsiae : Langenhemius, 1746
- Krüger, Johann ChristianLipsiae : Ex Officina Langenhemia, [1759?]
- Halae Magdebvrgicae : Litteris Christiani Henckelii, Acad. Typ., [1708]
- Michaelis, Johann HeinrichHalae Magdeburgicae : Henckel, 1706
- Castell, Edmund ; Michaelis, Johann DavidGoettingae : Dieterich, 1788
- Castell, Edmund ; Michaelis, Johann DavidGoettingae : Dieterich, 1788