The Divans of the six ancient Arabic poets Ennābiga, 'Antara, Tharafa, Zuhair, 'Alqama und Imruulqais : chiefly according to the MSS. of Paris, Gotha, and Leyden and the collection of their fragments with a list of the various readings of the text / ed. by W. Ahlwardt. London : Trübner, 1870
XXX Table of Contents.
List of different Readings and Corrections.
86 Appendix.
103 Table of Abbreviations used in the preceding List of different Readings and Corrections.
105 View of the order of the poems in the MSS. of Paris, Gotha and Leyden in relation to this edition, with a statement of the number of their verses.
107 Statement of the descrepancies between the MSS. of Paris (and Gotha) and this edition, as to the order of the verses in the poems of Imruulqais.
108 Table of the order of the verses in the Mo'allaqat of 'Antara, Tharafa, Zuhair and Imruulqais, in the 5th poem of Ennabiga and in the 2d and 13th poem of 'Alqama, according to some MSS. and editions.
111 View of the poems of the six poets, which are stated by Ela'lam to be spurious or doubtful, according to the judgement of Elaçma'i.
112 Supplement to the Appendix of the Fragments.
[Arabischer Text]