1 (2015) Fragestellungen und Herausforderungen; Beiträge zur internationalen Tagung vom 26./27. April 2013 im Koptischen Kloster der Jungfrau Maria und des Heiligen Mauritius in Höxter-Brenkhausen / hrsg. von Heike Behlmer; Frank Feder und Ute Pietruschka mit Aufsätzen von Verena Böll ...
The present volume contains papers of an international conference held in the Coptic monastery Höxter-Brenkhausen in April 2013 in honor of the 75th birthday of Peter Nagel doyen of Coptic Septuagint research. This volume builds on the scientific work of Peter Nagel re-evaluates research results on the Coptic Old Testament and offers fresh perspectives for further research. As additional material the digital publication offers a video clip "Pupils of a traditional church school present their knowledge to the teacher" by Verena Böll.