Go east, young man : imagining the American west as the Orient / Richard V. Francaviglia. Logan, Utah : Utah State University Press, 2011
Introduction: The Malleable Landscape
I. The Frontier West as the Orient (ca. 1810–1920)
1. The American Zahara: Into and Beyond the Great Western Plains
2. In Praise of Pyramids: Orientalizing the Western Interior
3. Chosen People, Chosen Land: Utah as the Holy Land
4. Finding New Eden: The American Southwest
5. The Far East in the Far West: Chinese and Japanese California
6. Syria on the Pacific: California as the Near/Middle East
7. To Ancient East by Ocean United: The Pacific Northwest as Asia
II. The Modern West as the Orient (ca. 1920–2010)
8. Lands of Enchantment: The Modern West as the Near/Middle East
9. Another Place, Another Time: The Modern West as the Far East
10. Full Circle: Imagining the Orient as the American West