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[12] VIII
[13] IX
[14] X
[15] XI
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[18] XIV
[19] XV
[20] XVI
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Chrestomathia Aethiopica
Front cover
Title page
1. Liber Baruch.
2. De viris sanctis.
3. Sententiae, e "libro philosophorum" excerptae.
4. Preces officii matutini.
5) Oratio eucharistica Joannis Chrysostomi.
6. Regulae Pachomii.
7. Epistolae.
8. Sermones vel Homiliae.
9. Carmina.
10. Antiphonae in festum Joannis Baptistae, primo anni Abyssinorum die, quo eodem Requis Bartholomaei Apostoli commemoratur.
Verlag von T.O. Weigel in Leipzig.
Back cover
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Chrestomathia Aethiopica : edita et glossario explanata / ab Augusto Dillmann
Place and Date of Creation
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